How to Get a Prospective Client to Call You Back
You've sent them a proposal, and now you're waiting for them to call you back, but they never call back.
We’ve all had clients that don’t seem to call back. They sounded very interested when you talked to them at first. But after you sent them a proposal, you haven’t heard from them, or they keep telling you that they’re still looking at other bids.
Much of the reason for this is that they were not 100% convinced you were the right person for the job. When you consider they are spending a few thousand dollars on this project, they need to feel 100% certain they’ve made the right choice.
Always Answer With “Yes”
Most business owners will consider at least two website designers/developers to hire before making a choice. Many will also consider a “do-it-yourself” platform like Wix, GoDaddy, SquareSpace, etc.
To keep a client talking to you, you have to become their number one choice.
The best way to do this is to always say, “Yes”.
That is, when they ask if you can do this, or if you can do that… you always answer, “Yes, I can do that.” no matter what it is.
Even if they are asking you things that you don’t actually know how to do, you still tell them, “Yes”, and then you go out and learn it, or find someone you can hire to help you.
Never say, “Well, that’s not something I’ve done before.” or, “Hmm, let me get back to you on that.” This would be like hiring a mechanic who’s never actually worked on cars before.
Other recommended words you should say include, “I can get that done in a week”, “I’ve had lots of experience with that”, “Your website will be 100% secured”, “You will have a direct line of contact with me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
Is Something Wrong With Your Proposal?
It does happen often. After speaking with the client on the phone, you got the sense that everything sounded positive. But after you sent them the proposal, they go silent. Sometimes what you put into the proposal did not quite match what they understood on the phone.
Usually it’s because the proposal did not spell out everything they asked for. It’s just an oversight on your part, but it was very important to the client. Make sure when talking to the client on the phone that you write down all of their needs. Then you simply state those needs again in the proposal, and agree that you will meet all of them.
Make sure to add “feel good” language in your proposal. This could include, “24 hours, 7 days a week customer service", “We will be here to futher customize and upgrade your website at any time”, and “Your satisfaction is our number one priority”. These statements actually do help make the difference between your proposal and your competitors.
Is Your Price Too High or Too Low?
A price out of range from a client’s expectations is definitely a reason why they don’t call back.
In my experience, and I’ve built websites professionally since 1997, there is no such thing as a price too high. On the other hand, there definitely is such a thing as a price too low.
The reason why is because clients are always willing to pay more as long as they know they will get exactly what they want. Hence, the importance of always answering with, “yes”. On the other hand, if you give them a price too low, they will assume you are inexperienced, and may not want to hire you…
Read my previous article on this subject..
What if They Still Won’t Call Me Back?
You should never let your interaction with a client go silent for more than a week. Make a point to at least follow up with them once a week, or once every three to four days…
If you sent a client a proposal, and you’re concerned that you set your price too high, give them a call. If they make you leave a message, tell them if they sign with you this week, you’ll take $500.00 off the build price.
A few days after your phone call, send them an e-mail reminding them to call you for any questions.
The next phone call you make, tell them (or leave a message) that you just finished up on another project and can get started on theirs right now. Still honor the $500.00 discount for signing up right away.
Don’t worry if you feel you are calling and e-mailing them too often. Lots of salespeople follow up at these intervals, and all business owners, including your clients, can appreciate eagerness.
If a month goes by and the client won’t respond to you, then it’s time to stop calling. Instead, add their contact to your e-mail subscriber list, so that they receive your newsletter every month. This becomes a passive means towards keeping your name in their memory. (Don’t worry, everyone is used to being auto-subscribed these days).
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I write about the subject of running a website design business. I’ve built websites professionally since 1997. Sign up to get these articles delivered to your inbox. This subscription remains free…